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Aligning Investing Purpose to Institutional Mission and Culture [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
An increasing number of nonprofit organizations are implementing mission aligned investing and this approach may soon become an expected best practice. Core investment acumen will always be focused on safety, liquidity, and return on investment (ROI), balancing the risk/reward of these three key investment pillars. However, many nonprofits with investable funds now consider mission aligned investing as an important fourth pillar of their investment strategy.
Three-Dimensional Financial Messaging
The delivery and interpretation of financial reports is a complex and sometimes unpredictable process. It becomes even more complicated when you realize that the target audience consists of multiple end-users who will be considering financial information from multiple points of view. Effective financial messaging tactics that incorporate a three-dimensional (3-D) tactical approach will give you more options and opportunities to connect with the many different types of users of financial information.
Adding Pre-Month-End Closing Meetings Can Enhance Financial Communications [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
I am always looking for efficient, creative, and low risk opportunities to improve financial communications. This usually involves both art and science, a mix of creative and structured tactics. Adding pre-month-end closing meetings is a value-added practice that takes advantage of both tactics with high upside potential for positive results.
Time to Take a Fresh Look at Old Board-Designated Funds [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
In my professional life I view many financial statements from a wide variety of nonprofit organizations, and I am always amazed, but not shocked, by how many of these nonprofits have Board-designated funds sitting on their balance sheets. Two questions immediately come to mind. Why where they originally established? Is the purpose still relevant today? Often the answers lie in understanding the circumstances occurring at the time the Board originally designated the funds.
Can a Sketch Work Better Than a Financial Forecast? [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
Business, financial, and operational professionals love concepts related to financial forecasts. It is our way to view an abstract complicated plan in terms of dollars and the impact on resources both positive (surpluses – add to resources) and negative (deficits – use of resources). But outside our inner circle, forecasts are often viewed with misunderstanding, trepidation, and sometimes even fear. Taking a “sketch” approach can help people to embrace financial forecasts, enhance engagement, and be more confident with planning for new projects and efforts.
GUIDE SHEET: Form 990, Page 6, Part VI, Section A - Governing Body and Management [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
R. Michael Sorrells (CPA) and A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) jointly authored this guide sheet to provide insights and tips on this highly visible portion of the Form 990, which directly impacts perceptions of the quality of your nonprofit organization’s management and the integrity of its governance practices.
A Lesson for Nonprofits about Public Perception from the Crisis Text Line Controversy [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
A controversy involving the nonprofit organization Crisis Text Line’s sharing of anonymized data with a related for-profit entity has been a major topic of conversation recently following a lengthy report by Politico. While the specifics of this situation may be unique, this story is a lesson to all nonprofits that public perception should always be considered as one of the main factors in any decision, and this public perception can be just as important as legal formalities.
Three Tactics for Communicating Difficult Budget Issues to Your Board
Difficult budget issues can often arise quickly and unexpectedly. To maintain a high level of trust with your nonprofit organization’s Board and remain transparent, collaborative, and inclusive, be sure to communicate in a timely and thoughtful manner.
How to Better Leverage the Position of Immediate Past President [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
Every nonprofit organization has a chief Board position, often titled as President, who serves an influential and highly visible leadership role. The time served as President is active and intense, but often comes to a halt quickly once the term of office is completed. Nonprofits can ease this transition by giving more thought to the role of the Immediate Past President.
During periods of high growth or rapid expected and unexpected changes and disruption, this 3-Month Rolling Budget Template will be a useful planning tool to help your nonprofit organization strategize, pivot and change course, documenting your search for a sustainable and smooth path forward.
TEMPLATE: Multi-Year Budget Financial Dashboard [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
For evolution and change to be fully appreciated, nonprofit organizations need to include multi-year forecast budgets in financial reporting to show how the organization is evolving and how its programmatic goals and activities will be reflected in the future.
CHECKLIST: Charity Auctions Done Right [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
R. Michael Sorrells (CPA) and A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) jointly authored this checklist of key “Dos” and “Don’ts” to help your nonprofit optimize its charity auctions, run them efficiently and without unwanted hiccups, and be prepared to comply with key tax and legal requirements.
Conferences Provide Unique Professional Developmental Opportunities [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
Each year there are multiple nonprofit industry conferences that provide unique developmental learning experiences. These multi-day conferences provide interactive learning platforms that together provide enriching learning experiences that are hard to replicate in regular brief stand-alone training and educational sessions. The Nonprofit Symposium (powered by GWSCPA) is one of the best examples of a professional nonprofit industry conference done extremely well and should not be missed.
Improving Pledge Collections Through Active Communication [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
Time can get away from us quickly. This is especially true when it comes to pledges receivable. Nonprofit organizations invest a lot of time and effort in acquiring new pledges. In the rush to bring in new pledges, we sometimes relegate oversight of existing pledges to the back burner. Pledges will be less impactful if collection performance is poor. The key to success is to be thoughtful with management of pledge collections and maintain active and fresh communication with existing pledgors.
Capacity Risks are Real and Need Attention [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
Nonprofit organizations need to wake up to the fact that capacity challenges are real and can lead to increased risk exposure. Capacity risks come from many different sources and affect organizations in different ways and at times that are not predictable. Growth and unexpected disruption are the two biggest factors impacting capacity. Expanding risk management practices to include assessments related to capacity will help your organization to meet these twin challenges safely and effectively.