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TEMPLATE: Multi-Year Grant Usage Schedule [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
Multi-year grants can be very beneficial to a nonprofit organization but can cause significant bottom-line budget (surplus and deficit) volatility. This template multi-year grant usage schedule will help to show the true impact of a grant over the full period of its use and move attention away from the impact on any one single fiscal year budget.
TEMPLATE: Short and Basic Grant Agreement [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
This short and basic grant agreement template is intended for situations involving relatively straightforward grants from one 501(c)(3) organization to another 501(c)(3) organization to fund a specific project or program. This sample document provides relatively concise language covering key terms such as the timing of grant payments, the allowable use of grant funds, reporting and recordkeeping requirements imposed on the recipient organization, and more.
TEMPLATE: Operating Reserves Status Report Spreadsheet [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
Operating reserves are one the most important components of financial health for a nonprofit organization and a key indicator for long-term fiscal and financial sustainability. Providing regular reports on the status of an organization’s operating reserves is essential for monitoring an organization’s financial health as well as compliance with its operating reserve policy.
A Code of Ethics is one of the fundamental governance policies that all nonprofit organizations should have, and an important complement to your organization’s conflict of interest policy. This Code of Ethics template is intended to help your organization identify and express the core principles and ethical requirements with which all Board members, staff, and other individuals who serve and/or represent the organization are expected to comply.
CHECKLIST: Virtual Board and Committee Meeting Tips [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
The default format for traditional governance meetings (Boards of Directors, committees, working groups, etc.) has shifted to a virtual setting. However, most governance meetings still use agendas, approaches, and meeting structures based on old “in-person” meeting formats. This 4-page checklist is designed to help you freshen up your virtual Board and committee meetings, make them more effective, and improve participant engagement and satisfaction.
TEMPLATE: Independent Contractor Agreement [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
This independent contractor agreement template contains basic provisions for situations in which nonprofit organizations hire consultants and other service providers on an independent contractor (Form 1099) basis. The template includes language intended to help support independent contractor treatment when appropriate, and covers key terms such as confidentiality, intellectual property rights, insurance, indemnification, and more.
TEMPLATE: Labor Budget Worksheet
Labor costs are usually the largest expense line-item in a nonprofit organization’s budget. Preparing a separate labor budget is key to building a realistic and achievable budget for the next fiscal year. This labor budget worksheet will help you to view and manage the costs of staff salaries, employee benefits, and payroll taxes, show how these labor costs are expected to be allocated to programs, fundraising, and administrative (overhead) departments, and assist with aligning your organization’s budget with reporting requirements under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and Form 990.
TEMPLATE: Basic Capital Budget Spreadsheet [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
Capital budgets are an important planning tool, helping nonprofit organizations to avoid problems from capital assets being used past their useful life, address future capacity challenges, and improve long-term cash flow planning. This basic capital budget spreadsheet template will help organizations to start tracking the acquisition and maintenance of their “capital assets,” i.e., material (larger dollar) assets that are expected to have a useful life of more than one year, such as computers, office furniture and equipment, leasehold improvements, and vehicles.
WORKSHEET: Financial Health Assessment and Implementation Framework [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
The purpose of this Financial Health Assessment and Implement Framework worksheet is to help you to step back and assess your organization’s recent financial position and set the stage for planning the next two years. This worksheet will help you to look back at recent history while looking forward to create a path to improve your organization’s financial health and enhancing sustainability.
TEMPLATE: Current Operating and Intermediate Funds Cash Management Guidelines [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
This Cash Management Guidelines template is designed to help your organization set targets the management of both current operating funds and intermediate funds, establish investment guidelines consist with your organization’s cash management needs.
TEMPLATE: Donor Acknowledgement Letters [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
These donor acknowledgment letter templates provides sample language that generally satisfies basic IRS requirements for the most common donation scenarios, including cash contributions, non-cash contributions, as well as cash and non-cash gifts that are treated as quid pro quo contributions.
CHECKLIST: Simplified Balance Sheet Assessment
Balance sheets are part of standard nonprofit organization financial reporting, but are intimidating to most individuals and often misunderstood. This 3-step checklist uses easy-to-understand “Yes” or “No” questions to help you to work through a new balance sheet and make a quick assessment of an organization’s current financial position and changing financial health trends.
CHECKLIST: Steps to Forming a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization
This checklist outlines 19 key steps that apply to most new organizations to form a nonprofit corporation, apply for 501(c)(3) status, and stay in compliance with the rules governing tax-exempt organizations. The steps covered include drafting governing Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and basic corporate policies; obtaining a tax ID number, submitting the Form 1023 or Form 1023-EZ; and more.
GUIDE SHEET: Form 990, Page 6, Part VI, Section A - Governing Body and Management [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
R. Michael Sorrells (CPA) and A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) jointly authored this guide sheet to provide insights and tips on this highly visible portion of the Form 990, which directly impacts perceptions of the quality of your nonprofit organization’s management and the integrity of its governance practices.
During periods of high growth or rapid expected and unexpected changes and disruption, this 3-Month Rolling Budget Template will be a useful planning tool to help your nonprofit organization strategize, pivot and change course, documenting your search for a sustainable and smooth path forward.