Adding Pre-Month-End Closing Meetings Can Enhance Financial Communications [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]

I am always looking for efficient, creative, and low risk opportunities to improve financial communications. This usually involves both art and science, a mix of creative and structured tactics. Adding pre-month-end closing meetings is a value-added practice that takes advantage of both tactics with high upside potential for positive results.

Some of the best ideas are the most overlooked due to their simplicity. Often, all it takes is one casual comment and the light goes on. I was recently presenting at a nonprofit conference for finance professionals where I asked attendees to respond to how they have navigated disruptive challenges. One attendee said adding pre-month-end closing meetings with department managers was a lifesaver, filling the communications void resulting from remote working and virtual meetings. The light came on for me, such a simple yet powerful idea.

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Q&A #104 – Does indemnification language in a contract apply only to third party claims?


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