Capacity Risks are Real and Need Attention [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]

Nonprofit organizations need to wake up to the fact that capacity challenges are real and can lead to increased risk exposure. Capacity risks come from many different sources and affect organizations in different ways and at times that are not predictable. Growth and unexpected disruption are the two biggest factors impacting capacity. Expanding risk management practices to include assessments related to capacity will help your organization to meet these twin challenges safely and effectively.

Capacity-related risk exposure needs to be considered in the same manner and with equal importance as more common threats, for example cyber security, system integrity, and safeguarding assets. At first glance, capacity risks might appear to be minor short-term problems, but these risks could have significant long-term consequences. 

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Q&A #82 – Should a church file a Form 1023 for recognition of 501(c)(3) status?


Q&A #81 – Must a Form 1099 be issued for a need-based grant made to an individual?