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WORKSHEET: Funding Pipeline Spreadsheet and Instructions
Resources, Subscribers-Only Resources Preview A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) Resources, Subscribers-Only Resources Preview A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA)

WORKSHEET: Funding Pipeline Spreadsheet and Instructions

The purpose of the funding pipeline worksheet is to help your organization conduct regular periodic assessments of funding and revenue streams, consider changes to anticipated and past funding patterns, and assess whether there is a risk that budgeted funding might not be realized in the near-term and intermediate-term future. Complete this worksheet in collaboration with your development office, senior management team, and staff to help with operational planning and stress test your organization’s anticipated funding sources.

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VIDEO Q&A for Subscribers: December 2024
Subscribers-Only, Videos, Video Q&As A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) & Benjamin Takis Subscribers-Only, Videos, Video Q&As A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) & Benjamin Takis

VIDEO Q&A for Subscribers: December 2024

Ben and Mike answer questions from subscribers about implementing a CEO / Executive Director succession or transition plan, how to handle errors in an already-filed Form 990, planning for the possible loss in grant funding or a change in funding sources, and whether a person can old two officer positions simultaneously.

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TEMPLATE: Multi-Year Grant Usage Schedule [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
Subscribers-Only, Resources A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) Subscribers-Only, Resources A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA)

TEMPLATE: Multi-Year Grant Usage Schedule [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]

Multi-year grants can be very beneficial to a nonprofit organization but can cause significant bottom-line budget (surplus and deficit) volatility. This template multi-year grant usage schedule will help to show the true impact of a grant over the full period of its use and move attention away from the impact on any one single fiscal year budget.

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VIDEO Q&A for Subscribers: October 2024
Subscribers-Only, Video Q&As, Videos A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) & Benjamin Takis Subscribers-Only, Video Q&As, Videos A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) & Benjamin Takis

VIDEO Q&A for Subscribers: October 2024

Ben and Mike answer questions from subscribers about managing staff concerns about the additional workload that may come from forming a new subsidiary or related entity, mid-year amendments to the annual budget, whether an organization should restore its good standing as a corporation prior to dissolving, and the distinction between restricted funds and Board-designated funds.

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TEMPLATE: Labor Budget Worksheet
Resources, Subscribers-Only A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) Resources, Subscribers-Only A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA)

TEMPLATE: Labor Budget Worksheet

Labor costs are usually the largest expense line-item in a nonprofit organization’s budget. Preparing a separate labor budget is key to building a realistic and achievable budget for the next fiscal year. This labor budget worksheet will help you to view and manage the costs of staff salaries, employee benefits, and payroll taxes, show how these labor costs are expected to be allocated to programs, fundraising, and administrative (overhead) departments, and assist with aligning your organization’s budget with reporting requirements under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and Form 990.

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Capital Budgets Play an Important Role in Nonprofit Planning and Budgeting
Articles A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) Articles A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA)

Capital Budgets Play an Important Role in Nonprofit Planning and Budgeting

Annual operating budgets for nonprofit organizations will always hold center stage, drawing the attention of senior management, Board, and staff. However, this focus can often lead organizations to neglect longer-term sustainability, capacity, and cash flow planning issues. This is why capital budgets have an important role, serving as a synergistic complement to annual operating budgets that will help current and future planning.

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TEMPLATE: Basic Capital Budget Spreadsheet [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
Resources, Subscribers-Only A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) Resources, Subscribers-Only A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA)

TEMPLATE: Basic Capital Budget Spreadsheet [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]

Capital budgets are an important planning tool, helping nonprofit organizations to avoid problems from capital assets being used past their useful life, address future capacity challenges, and improve long-term cash flow planning. This basic capital budget spreadsheet template will help organizations to start tracking the acquisition and maintenance of their “capital assets,” i.e., material (larger dollar) assets that are expected to have a useful life of more than one year, such as computers, office furniture and equipment, leasehold improvements, and vehicles.

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VIDEO: Establishing a Timeline to Prepare an Annual Budget | 5-Minute Lessons 4 Nonprofits
Videos, 5-Minute Lessons A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) Videos, 5-Minute Lessons A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA)

VIDEO: Establishing a Timeline to Prepare an Annual Budget | 5-Minute Lessons 4 Nonprofits

SE4N's A. Michael Gellman provides a short lesson on the scheduling and timing of the different phases of the budget building process for nonprofit organizations, including how much time to allot for budget preparation and approval and how to structure a work plan for creating initial and final drafts of the budget, seeking feedback from staff, management, and Board members, through the end of the budget approval process.

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The Functional Approach to Budgeting for Expenses
Articles A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) Articles A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA)

The Functional Approach to Budgeting for Expenses

Often, we refer to the size of a nonprofit organization by the total expenses within its annual operating budget. This emphasizes the important role of expenses in the budget while also serving as a measure of an organization’s capacity to provide programs and services. To get the best possible budget for expenses, nonprofits should use a functional (programmatic) approach that better displays the cost of programs, activities, and operations and encourages staff ownership and accountability.

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Budgeting for Salaries is Key to the Nonprofit Budget Building Process
Articles A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) Articles A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA)

Budgeting for Salaries is Key to the Nonprofit Budget Building Process

When preparing a nonprofit organization expense budget, I generally favor using a programs and operations approach rather than an expense by line-item method. The one exception is budgeting for staff costs (salaries, employee benefits, and payroll taxes), which is usually the largest expense line-item in a nonprofit’s budget. Preparing a separate labor budget at the front end of the budget building process will enhance planning and improve management of the organization’s workforce.

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Budgeting for Nonprofit Organizations and Why It’s Important to Start with Revenue and Support
Articles A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) Articles A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA)

Budgeting for Nonprofit Organizations and Why It’s Important to Start with Revenue and Support

Assembling a budget for a nonprofit organization often feels like an endeavor that requires more artistic methods than scientific computations. This is especially true when it comes to budgeting for revenue and support, which is usually hard to predict with accuracy. To help balance the art (intuition) with the science (analysis) of budget building, consider using a “funding-first” approach.

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The Importance of Budgets to Nonprofit Organizations
Articles A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) Articles A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA)

The Importance of Budgets to Nonprofit Organizations

The word “budget” has almost universal recognition. Budgets have a very broad spectrum of usage and applicability beyond just nonprofit organizations, ranging from large entities (governments, Fortune 500 companies, professional sport teams) to small businesses, individual entrepreneurs, and even smaller applications such as families juggling home budgets and providing their children with early exposure to budgets through managing allowances.

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How Nonprofits Can Better Manage Overhead Expenses [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
Subscribers-Only, Articles A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) Subscribers-Only, Articles A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA)

How Nonprofits Can Better Manage Overhead Expenses [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]

Managing a nonprofit organization’s overhead (management and general) expenses is just as important as managing program and fundraising expenses. Most nonprofits would not dispute this statement. However, most organizations tend to put an inordinate focus on managing program and fundraising expenses and ignore or not give equal attention to managing overhead expenses.

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How Inflation Affects Planning, Budgets, and Operating Reserves
Articles A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) Articles A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA)

How Inflation Affects Planning, Budgets, and Operating Reserves

Inflation has always been present at some level. When inflation is low, it lurks quietly in the corner of our minds. But when inflation is revving, the ringing in our ears will not go away. During periods of uncertainty and economic volatility, inflation tends to draw attention, often triggering regressive non-thinking reactions. Inflation needs to be treated as an economic reality to be confronted and a challenging obstacle to be solved, not as a call to action by itself.

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Can a Sketch Work Better Than a Financial Forecast? [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
Subscribers-Only, Articles A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) Subscribers-Only, Articles A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA)

Can a Sketch Work Better Than a Financial Forecast? [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]

Business, financial, and operational professionals love concepts related to financial forecasts. It is our way to view an abstract complicated plan in terms of dollars and the impact on resources both positive (surpluses – add to resources) and negative (deficits – use of resources). But outside our inner circle, forecasts are often viewed with misunderstanding, trepidation, and sometimes even fear. Taking a “sketch” approach can help people to embrace financial forecasts, enhance engagement, and be more confident with planning for new projects and efforts.

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