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TEMPLATE: Multi-Year Budget Financial Dashboard [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
For evolution and change to be fully appreciated, nonprofit organizations need to include multi-year forecast budgets in financial reporting to show how the organization is evolving and how its programmatic goals and activities will be reflected in the future.
CHECKLIST: Charity Auctions Done Right [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
R. Michael Sorrells (CPA) and A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) jointly authored this checklist of key “Dos” and “Don’ts” to help your nonprofit optimize its charity auctions, run them efficiently and without unwanted hiccups, and be prepared to comply with key tax and legal requirements.
EBOOK: Nonprofit Legal Basics Primer [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
This 48-page primer provides an overview of the key areas of nonprofit law governing 501(c)(3) organizations, including federal tax law requirements, state nonprofit corporation and tax law, fundraising laws, and employment law basics. This primer is tailored for organizations that are incorporated and operated in the District of Columbia, but many of the subject areas are useful for organizations based in other states.
EBOOK: Glossary of Financial and Accounting Terminology [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]
This 16-page reference provides basic definitions and explanations of key financial and accounting terminology relevant to nonprofit organizations, including terms and concepts related to general accounting principles, financial statements, budgets, tax-exempt status and Form 990, nonprofit policies and procedures, and audits, compliance, and governance.