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Q&A #49 – Can a nonprofit Board of Directors vote to temporarily suspend a provision in the Bylaws?
Q&A Benjamin Takis Q&A Benjamin Takis

Q&A #49 – Can a nonprofit Board of Directors vote to temporarily suspend a provision in the Bylaws?

The short answer is that the Board of Directors generally does not have the power to vote to suspend a provision in the Bylaws apart from the formal Bylaws amendment process (although you should check the applicable state nonprofit corporation statute to be sure). The Bylaws are binding and must be followed, even under extenuating circumstances. However, there are creative approaches you could explore to avoid making the amendment more permanent than is desired.

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Q&A #48 – Are nonprofits that received PPP funds eligible to receive employee retention credits?
Q&A Benjamin Takis Q&A Benjamin Takis

Q&A #48 – Are nonprofits that received PPP funds eligible to receive employee retention credits?

The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (P.L. 116-260), which was signed into law on December 27, 2020, included a significant expansion of the employee retention credit (ERC), so it is true that your organization may indeed be eligible to receive both Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan forgiveness and ERC. However, there are important limits nonprofits that received PPP funds must be aware of.

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Q&A #47 – Is my nonprofit permitted to record volunteer services as in-kind contributions?
Q&A A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) Q&A A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA)

Q&A #47 – Is my nonprofit permitted to record volunteer services as in-kind contributions?

While the Form 990 does not allow inclusion of in-kind gifts of services as revenue, whether volunteer services can be recorded as in-kind contributions under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) is a separate issue that is governed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), specifically, FASB’s Accounting Standards Codification found at ASC 958-605-25-16, discussed further below. However, regardless of whether these volunteer services can be recorded in the financial statements, tracking and documenting in-kind contributions of goods and services is always important and beneficial to a nonprofit organization.

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Q&A #46 – What are the downsides of using the Form 1023-EZ instead of the Form 1023?
Q&A Benjamin Takis Q&A Benjamin Takis

Q&A #46 – What are the downsides of using the Form 1023-EZ instead of the Form 1023?

True to its name, the Form 1023-EZ is certainly an easier, faster, and cheaper way to apply for 501(c)(3) status for organizations that meet the eligibility criteria (mainly, organizations that are not projecting more than $50,000 in gross receipts in any of their first 3 years and do not currently have more than $250,000 in assets, among other requirements). But there are some downsides that should be considered, especially since both the Form 1023 and Form 1023-EZ are public documents.

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Q&A #45 – What donor incentives were included in the COVID-19 relief legislation that was enacted in December 2020?
Q&A Benjamin Takis Q&A Benjamin Takis

Q&A #45 – What donor incentives were included in the COVID-19 relief legislation that was enacted in December 2020?

You are referring to the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (P.L. 116-260), which was signed into law on December 27, 2020. In addition to many other provisions (the law is over 5,000 pages long), there are three main donor incentives: (1) the reestablishment (and slight modification) of the $300 “above the line” charitable deduction; (2) the extension of increased limits on deductible contributions for corporations and individuals who itemize; and (3) a special increased deduction limit for certain disaster relief contributions made by corporations.

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Q&A #44 – Should a Board member personally own a nonprofit organization’s trademarks and website URL?
Q&A Benjamin Takis Q&A Benjamin Takis

Q&A #44 – Should a Board member personally own a nonprofit organization’s trademarks and website URL?

I have not seen guidance from the IRS directly addressing this situation, but I think it is problematic for a founder or Board member to personally own a nonprofit organization’s trademarks, website URL, social media accounts, and other types of intangible assets. While one could make an argument that there is no harm if the nonprofit is allowed to use these assets for free (or for a fee that is no more than fair market value), there are problems with this situation that become increasingly apparent over time.

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Q&A #42 – When must an Executive Director obtain Board approval for a transaction?
Q&A Benjamin Takis Q&A Benjamin Takis

Q&A #42 – When must an Executive Director obtain Board approval for a transaction?

This is one of those questions that is both extremely common and unusually difficult. Whether or not a transaction should (or must) have Board approval depends on the individual organization and the particular transaction. In some cases, the answer is clearly yes, such as with the sale of a major asset like a building. However, there are many cases where the answer is not so clearly defined.

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Q&A #41 – How should new nonprofits acknowledge donations received prior to approval of 501(c)(3) status?
Q&A Benjamin Takis Q&A Benjamin Takis

Q&A #41 – How should new nonprofits acknowledge donations received prior to approval of 501(c)(3) status?

This question is one that is shared by virtually all new nonprofits that are seeking 501(c)(3) status. You are correct that an acknowledgment letter will be required in order for your donors to use the charitable deduction for their donations (assuming the donations exceed $250). And yes, donations made prior to the organization receiving 501(c)(3) status should retroactively qualify for the charitable deduction if and when 501(c)(3) status is approved (assuming the Form 1023 was correctly prepared and timely submitted). Your main question regarding how to handle the donation acknowledgment letter requires a bit more explanation.

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Q&A #40 – How should nonprofits acknowledge donation checks received after December 31?
Q&A Benjamin Takis Q&A Benjamin Takis

Q&A #40 – How should nonprofits acknowledge donation checks received after December 31?

The short answer is that donors are permitted to treat a charitable contribution as made on the date it is placed in the mail via U.S. Postal Service, even if the check is not delivered or cashed until the following year, see Treas. Reg. § 1.170A-1(b). While it is not the charity’s responsibility to establish the date of delivery in the acknowledgement letter, you want to be as helpful as you can be to your donors. This can lead to some tricky situations.

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Q&A #39 – How should a small-staffed nonprofit address audit findings on segregation of duties?
Q&A A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) Q&A A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA)

Q&A #39 – How should a small-staffed nonprofit address audit findings on segregation of duties?

Addressing segregation of duties findings in an audit is a common challenge for small-staffed nonprofits, and this issue can best be mitigated by proactive front-end outreach and communications with your independent auditors and audit committee, and by submitting a formal written Management Response to be included in the auditor’s Management Letter before the final draft is issued.

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Q&A #38 – Is a nondisclosure agreement better than a confidentiality policy?
Q&A Benjamin Takis Q&A Benjamin Takis

Q&A #38 – Is a nondisclosure agreement better than a confidentiality policy?

A nondisclosure agreement (“NDA”) would very likely be more protective than your employee handbook and Board policies. Employee handbook and Board policies addressing confidentiality are helpful because they establish the understanding, culture, and expectation that sensitive information must be kept confidential. However, the remedies for a violation of a confidentiality policy are quite limited.

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Q&A #37 – Should my nonprofit use a Consent Agenda for Board meetings?
Q&A Benjamin Takis Q&A Benjamin Takis

Q&A #37 – Should my nonprofit use a Consent Agenda for Board meetings?

There is not one uniform answer to this question for all nonprofits, but the consent agenda is used and recommended by many organizations and nonprofit consultants. The consent agenda is a powerful tool that can save precious Board meeting time and keep the focus on strategic matters where Board discussion is most needed. However, a consent agenda can be tricky to implement, so it is important to be thoughtful about this practice.

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Q&A #36 – What Board committees are recommended for a newly formed nonprofit?
Q&A A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA) Q&A A. Michael Gellman (CPA, CGMA)

Q&A #36 – What Board committees are recommended for a newly formed nonprofit?

Like a lot of things in life, less is more. Generally, for a new nonprofit, especially a small organization with seven or fewer founding Board members, I recommend starting with one governance-focused committee and one key program committee. This results in a tight governance structure consisting of a Board of Directors supported by two standing committees.

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Q&A #35 – Is proxy voting allowed for nonprofit Board members?
Q&A Benjamin Takis Q&A Benjamin Takis

Q&A #35 – Is proxy voting allowed for nonprofit Board members?

You should check your applicable state nonprofit corporation statute, but proxy voting is generally not permitted for Board members. In many states, it is challenging to find a clear answer to this question in the statute, but proxy voting by Board members of a nonprofit organization is widely considered to be a poor governance practice that should be avoided.

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