How to Use Non-Traditional Communication Pathways to Enhance Board Member Engagement [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]

Always be on the lookout for proactive and unique communication opportunities to stimulate Board member interest in your nonprofit organization’s mission and activities, foster positive feelings, and generally catch their attention. Because we live in a world of constant change that is further complicated by Board turnover (new Board members entering while other Board members are exiting or rotating through officer positions) it is essential to be creative and flexible with Board member communications by incorporating both traditional and non-traditional tactics.  

Start by actively searching for opportunities to excite and connect Board members to the compelling mission of the organization they serve. Next, find pathways to engage and empower Board members as active partners in moving that mission forward. To successfully engage Board members as active participants, you will need to add non-traditional two-way communication channels and along with partnering opportunities.

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VIDEO Q&A for Subscribers: July 2024 [SUBSCRIBERS-ONLY]


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